Category Climate metrics Group target and/or current activity Scope Climate risk Use and measurement
Climate-related risks exposure
Climate risks Proprietary climate risk rating Climate-related risks (both physical and transition) are assessed as standard for all direct
investment opportunities utilising our proprietary, asset-specific methodologies.
Individual direct investments Transition & Physical Assesses the potential physical and transition climate-related risks for individual
investment opportunities using the Group’s proprietary climate risks assessment
methodology. Climate risk rating is incorporated into all investment proposals for
consideration by ICs.
Potentially heightened climate
risk exposure
Conduct a Group-wide top-down portfolio assessment with a view to inform ICG’s ESG and
climate-specific objectives and priorities.
Investments across our Structured and
Private Equity, Private Debt and Credit
asset classes, and Infrastructure
Equity strategy.
Transition & Physical Measures the exposure of portfolios to potentially heightened climate risk based on the
Group’s proprietary climate risks assessment methodology, expressed as % of portfolio
by cost/value of investments, and % of investments with material exposure.
Heightened climate risk sector
Conduct a Group-wide top-down portfolio assessment with a view to inform ICG’s ESG and
climate-specific objectives and priorities.
Investments across our Structured and
Private Equity, Private Debt, Real
Assets and Credit asset classes.
Transition Assess the exposure of certain portfolios to heightened climate risk sectors
, expressed
as % of portfolio by invested capital.
Embedding climate considerations into our culture
Remuneration Proportion of Executive
Directors remuneration linked
to sustainability and climate
The Group and its Board has long-term approach to variable pay, which aligns our Executive
Directors to the interests of our shareholders. As per the Directors’ Remuneration Policy, the
Group makes a single variable pay award each year to Executive Directors, based on a
balanced scorecard of KPIs. Since FY22, the remuneration of the Executive Directors has been
directly linked to several sustainability targets. See Remuneration Committee Report for
further detail (page 103).
Executive Directors’ annual variable
Transition & Physical Assesses the link of executive remuneration with sustainability considerations, including
the Group’s net zero commitment (see page 103).
Investment lifecycle ESG and climate
considerations incorporated
into the investment lifecycle
For each investment strategy, investment teams analyse ESG matters, including climate
change, to the extent feasible, at each stage of the investment process, from screening,
through due diligence, closing, monitoring and eventual exit. See page 41 as well as ICG
Responsible Investing and Climate Change policies for further details.
All investment strategies Transition & Physical Assesses the extent to which ESG and climate change considerations are embedded
within the investment decision making and portfolio monitoring processes adopted by
Amount of ESG or
Sustainability financing, with
climate-related metrics
The Group seeks to link its climate ambition to third-party financing, where possible. Group and Fund related third-party
Transition & Physical Measures the amount of third-party financing with built in climate-metrics that may adjust
the margin or coupon of the facility. Expressed as an aggregate absolute amounts in GBP
for the Group and USD for fund related third-party financing.
Transition to low-carbon economy
Decarbonising our
Financed emissions Long-term goal: reach net zero GHG emissions across relevant investments by 2040.
Interim target (approved and validated by the SBTi): 100% of relevant investments to have
SBTi-approved science-based targets by 2030, with an interim target of 50% by 2026.
Relevant investments
Transition Measures the proportion of relevant investments covered by science based targets.
Measured as % of invested capital. Monitored internally and reported publicly on an
annual basis.
Over time, the tools to assess financed emissions and measure net zero will evolve in the
private markets. In addition to the setting of SBTs for relevant investments, ICG is developing
a plan to systematically assess potential net zero solutions for the strategies not covered by
our SBTs.
Other Active funds
making direct
investments across our Structured and
Private Equity, Private Debt, Real
Assets, and Credit asset classes.
Transition Assesses the absolute GHG emissions associated with and attributable to a portfolio of
investments, expressed in tCO
e. Monitored internally and reported to investors in
certain active funds at least annually.
Weighted average carbon
The Group is establishing a baseline for this metric across its portfolios. Active funds making direct
investments across our Structured and
Private Equity, Private Debt, Real
Assets, and Credit asset classes.
Transition Measures a portfolio’s exposure to carbon-intensive investments, expressed in tCO
million revenue in fund currency for corporate investments; or in tCO
for real estate
investments. Monitored internally and reported to investors in certain active funds at
least annually.
Capacity for
investing in climate
Investments in low-carbon and
energy transition
infrastructure and real estate*
ICG has three strategies that focus on investments in real assets that are already low-carbon in
nature or support directly the energy transition.
Infrastructure Equity, European Real
Estate Debt, and Sale and Leaseback
Transition Measures the proportion of Group’s investments into low-carbon and energy transition
related infrastructure and real estate, expressed as % of total AUM. Monitored internally
and publicly reported annually.
Installed renewable energy
generating capacity
Infrastructure Equity strategy Transition Measures the aggregate and annual change in installed renewable energy generating
capacity, expressed in GW. Monitored internally and publicly reported annually.
Our operations Scope 1 and 2 absolute GHG
emissions (market and location
Long-term goal: net zero GHG emissions across operations by 2040.
Interim target (approved and validated by the SBTi): to reduce the Group’s direct Scope 1 and
Scope 2 GHG emissions by 80% by 2030 from a 2020 base year (market based).
Group operations: combustion of fuel,
fugitive emissions, and purchased
electricity and heat
Transition Measures the direct operational carbon footprint of the Group in line with the GHG
Protocol, expressed in tCO
e. Assessed annually and reported publicly, subject to
independent limited assurance.
Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions
intensity (market based)*
ICG seeks to improve the GHG intensity of our operations, year on year. Group operations: combustion of fuel,
fugitive emissions, and purchased
electricity and heat
Transition Measures efficiency of the direct operational carbon footprint of the Group relative to its
revenue, expressed in tCO
e per £M revenue. Assessed annually and reported publicly,
subject to independent limited assurance.
Purchased energy from
renewable sources (%)
ICG seeks to maximise the proportion of electricity consumption from renewables sources,
and encourage landlords to provide low-carbon heating solutions, wherever feasible.
Group operations: purchased
electricity and heat
Transition Measures the proportion of purchased electricity and heat from renewable sources.
Assessed annually and reported publicly, subject to independent limited assurance.
Scope 3 absolute GHG
The Group is establishing a complete baseline and assessing the tools and levers necessary to
reduce its scope 3 emissions.
Group operations: business travel,
purchased goods and services, water
supply and waste generation
Transition Measures the indirect operational carbon footprint of the Group in line with the GHG
Protocol, expressed in tCO
e. Assessed annually and reported publicly, subject to
independent limited assurance.
* Indicates a cross-industry climate-related metric as per the TCFD Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans, 2021
1. Source ICG, the Heightened climate risk sectors categorisation is based on the latest TCFD Implementation Guidance (October 2021) which identifies the following sectors with the
highest likelihood of climate-related financial impacts: Energy, Transport, Materials & Buildings, and Agriculture, Food & Forestry Products. ICG has adapted these to incorporate
the framework provided by the Guidance on Use of Sectoral Pathways for Financial Institutions, produced by the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero in June 2022.