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We support responsible and sustainable business practices through our investments and operations.

Sustainability and People Report

Our latest and historical ESG reports and disclosures


Benchmarks and ratings

All scores valid as at 25 January 2024

UN PRI Assessment

2023 ratings ⭐/5

Policy, Governance and Strategy:
Indirect – Private Equity:
Direct – Private Equity:
Fixed Income – Corporate:
Fixed Income – Private Debt:
Confidence Building Measures:


S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment

In 2023, ICG retained membership in the DJSI Europe Index.
(2022: 65/100; 2021: 59/100; 2020: 40/100)


FTSE4Good Index

We retained our membership in 2023, for 6th consecutive year.

Industry Leader (AAA)

MSCI ESG Ratings

In 2023, ICG maintained its Industry Leader rating of AAA (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment
(2022: AAA; 2021: AAA; 2020: BBB)

Leadership (A-)


ICG retained its CDP Climate Change Leadership band with an A- score in 2023
(2022: A-; 2021: B; 2020: A-)

Low risk (14.9)

Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings

ICG's 2023 ESG Risk Rating places us in the top 98th percentile among Asset Management and Custody Services companies assessed by Sustainalytics.
(2022: Low risk - 15.8; 2021: Low risk - 18.6/100; 2020: Medium risk – 21.6/100)

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To find out more about our flexible and sustainable solutions for both providers and users of capital, please contact us.

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