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    To find out more about our flexible and sustainable solutions for providers of capital, please contact us.

    Clare Glynn

    Head of Corporate Communications

    Fiona Laffan

    Global Head of Corporate Affairs

    Geoff Elliott

    Asia-Pacific Media Enquiries

    Brendan Altadonna

    Asia-Pacific Media Enquiries

    For institutional investors and financial analysts

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    T: +44 (0)20 3545 2000
    E: [email protected]


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    Manage your ICG plc shareholding online at Computershare Investor Centre – you will also be able to download useful forms. Alternatively, contact our registrar:

    Computershare Investor Services plc

    The Pavilions
    Bridgwater Road,
    Bristol BS99 6ZZ,
    United Kingdom

    UK: (0370) 707 1064
    International: +44 370 707 1064

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