ICG achieves highest ever scores in its PRI Annual Assessment

Engineer at work in electricity substation
- ICG achieves A+A+A scores for responsible investing  - Results are the highest ever for ICG - Great progress in all aspects of ICG’s private markets responsible investing approach

ICG has received A+ for strategy and governance, A for fixed income, and A+ for private equity in the PRI’s 2020 assessment of our responsible investing approach. PRI reporting is the largest global reporting project on responsible investing and ICG received its first A+ ratings in the key strategy and governance and private equity modules.

Summary Scorecard

ICG’s PRI scorecard, Source: PRI

Commenting on ICG’s PRI score, Eimear Palmer, Responsible Investing Officer at ICG said:

“Responsible investing is core to how we structure our investing approach at ICG and we are thrilled to see significant progress in our scores, evidencing our continued focus on sustainability. The PRI principles and annual assessment provide our framework for improving and implementing our responsible investing approach.”

PRI Principles

The scorecard is compiled by the United Nations-backed PRI on an annual basis to assess the sustainability credentials of firms in the investment industry, in order to promote its key objectives. It has six core principles, led by a commitment to using environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the investment process, and the use of active ownership to drive change.

ICG has been a PRI signatory since 2013 and our recent scoring is a significant improvement on our previous score of AAB, evidencing our efforts in enhancing and deploying our ESG Framework across all our strategies over the past 18 months.