William Rucker

William was appointed as a Non-Executive Director and Chair in November 2022.

William’s role:

  • Responsible for providing independent oversight of, and challenge to, the Company’s executive management
  • In addition, as Chair, responsible for:
    • Organising the business of the Board
    • Ensuring its effectiveness and setting its agenda
    • Effective communication with the Group’s shareholders and other stakeholders
    • Read more (PDF)

William joined the Board on 31 January 2023 when he succeeded Andrew Sykes who had acted as interim Chair since March 2022.

William had a 36-year career at Lazard, culminating in positions as CEO and Chair of its UK investment bank, including asset management and financial advisory businesses. He joined Lazard in 1987 from Arthur Andersen where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant.

William has extensive experience in the financial services sector as well as wide-ranging governance experience having served on, and been Chair of, the boards of a number of significant listed companies, charities and other bodies.

ICG Committee memberships

Other directorships

  • The British Land Company PLC (Chair)