ICG publishes updated Responsible Investing Policy

We are pleased to announce the publication of ICG's updated Responsible Investing Policy, which for the first time covers 100% of our assets under management and incorporates our new company-wide Exclusion List.

The policy provides the overarching charter for our approach to responsible investment and is supplemented with a dedicated Climate Change Policy. It also includes our environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities that reflect our key areas of focus. These are used as a tool when engaging directly with portfolio companies where we have significant influence and also serve to define our own ESG priorities.

For each investment strategy, we analyse ESG issues at every stage of the investment process, from screening, through due diligence, closing, monitoring and eventual exit. Each strategy then implements the ESG considerations relevant to it. These depend on the nature of the strategy and the level of influence over and access to management.

We believe that by identifying and assessing ESG issues as part of our investment process, and by ensuring that these issues are properly managed over the lifetime of our investments, we can help to create more successful and sustainable businesses over the long-term and generate enhanced value for our clients.